Chief Sustainability and Economic Development Officer | University of Texas at Arlington

Jan 2010-Present

Meghna supports operations related to vision setting, strategic planning, and organizational governance for university-wide sustainability practices, programs, and policies. Collaborating with university operations units, academic and research divisions, student organizations, and external partners, she serves as a catalyst for initiatives, project and program development, and influences stakeholder groups and governing bodies to advance sustainability commitments and implement the Energy Transition and Resilience Plan.

Her role involves close engagement with the Provost’s Office and faculty experts to lead research initiatives, secure funding opportunities, develop innovative solutions, build partnerships, and integrate sustainability into the university’s academic framework.

In addition, she spearheads strategic initiatives aimed at fostering economic growth, innovation, and entrepreneurship within the campus and the broader North Texas community. By promoting the university’s research portfolio to external stakeholders, she helps drive industry collaboration and funding opportunities. She also supports the implementation and advancement of the APLU’s Innovation and Economic Prosperity (IEP) Universities Program, showcasing the university’s economic development contributions and its role as a vital resource for regional and industry growth.

Sustainability Manager I City of Dallas I Dallas

APRIL 2007-DEC 2009

Meghna led the implementation of the ISO 14001 standard and provided education and training on various environmental laws and regulations. She also implemented programs such as the Dallas Sustainable Skylines initiative in partnership with EPA Region 6 and the North Central Texas Council of Governments and played a key role in designing the city’s first Sustainability Action Plan.

Chief Sustainability Officer | Dallas FWC26

March 2024- Present

As Chief Sustainability Officer for Dallas FIFA World Cup 26, I lead the development and execution of sustainability strategies for one of the world's largest sporting events. This role involves integrating environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic impact into all aspects of event planning and operations. By fostering collaboration with diverse stakeholders, championing innovative solutions, and driving measurable outcomes, I ensure the FIFA World Cup in Dallas sets new benchmarks for sustainable event management while leaving a lasting positive legacy for the community and the environment.


Committee Member

May 2024- Present

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Roundtable on Science and Technology for Sustainability

Board Of Directors

Apr 2020 - Present

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI USA)

Board Member

August 2018- July 2024

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Higher Education and Workforce Development (BHEW)

Board of Directors

Jan 2018 - Dec 2023

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)


Transformational Leader in Sustainability


Received the Transformational Leader honor at the 2020 Women in Sustainability Awards, presented by Wells Fargo and Envision Charlotte. I was recognized for my transformative impact on the industry.

Women of the Decade in Corporate Social Responsibility


The award was conferred at the Annual edition of the Women Economic Forum (WEF) in New Delhi in April 2018.

Finalist -Sustainable Leadership Awards


Green Source DFW Sustainable Leadership Awards, hosted by the Memnosyne Institute, honors sustainable leaders in the nonprofit, municipal and business sectors of North Texas.